Monday, July 20, 2009

Health Care in the United States

Obama is on the right track with his intention of bringing a universal health care plan to the U.S. Unfortunately, the health care industry might lose some of their ghastly profits so they're doing everything possible to derail it.

I listened to a radio program while I was in the States last week and was horrified to hear the commentator railing wildly about how the plan is to take money out of the working man's pocket to provide better health care for people who won't work. This isn't the idea at all. The plan will give decent health care to the average working person who can't afford the present insurance cost.

While in the U.S. last winter, I spoke to a waitress who was worried sick that she couldn't afford to pay for health care insurance. I have spoken to many seniors there who must continue working into their 80's just to pay for medication. My daughter worked as a nurse in the U.S. and complained about women giving birth who had never had any prenatal care because they couldn't afford it. This is a shameful situation that President Obama is trying to rectify.

Of course income taxes will rise to pay for a universal plan but it will be worth it. Lives will be saved and people won't have to worry about losing their homes if they become hospitalized. From what I understand, present insurance plans in the U.S. also place a limit on the amount of money they'll pay out to a client so what if that client needs constant care for the rest of their lives?

Canadian health care isn't perfect and there are dissenters, one of which is now the poster child for people opposed to Obama's plan. This lady might have a completely legitimate complaint about the care she received in Canada but she's an odd case and it isn't fair to use her as an example. Ask most any Canadian if they'd prefer our plan to what is now available in the States and you'll get a clearer picture. We shudder to think of going back to the days when we were in the same circumstances as the Americans are now.

I applaud President Obama for what he is attempting to accomplish and I wish with all my heart that he can achieve it. The American people deserve better than what they have today.

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