Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Too Lazy Day

Many years ago I used to take the odd day and just laze around in my pyjamas. I remember sort of enjoying it so I thought I'd do it work at all, just feed myself and lay in front of the T.V. It hasn't been pleasant.

When I look back on the old days when I enjoyed this sort of thing it was done when I had depression and that explains why I liked it. There were no pressures, no expectations, and vegetating in front of the T.V. kept my mind off more unpleasant things. I haven't suffered from depression in many years and my days are now filled with a lot of fun stuff so this terribly lazy day has actually been boring. I suppose that's a positive thing.

I've decided that I won't take any more days like this. Life is too short to waste, isn't it?

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