Friday, August 28, 2009

Educating the Girls

There are still societies so backward in this world that they forbid educating their females. We don't have to even wonder what their motives are because any woman can tell you that lack of education makes them more vulnerable to exploitation.

This was the same idea that slave owners had...forbid the slaves from receiving an education because they might discover that no-one had the right to own them. By making it a crime for females to receive an education, the men of that society guaranteed that their women would be under their control for their entire lives.

There can never be too much education for anyone. The more you learn, the more you question and research, and the more you refuse to be manipulated. An educated slave will not remain a slave very long.

In these old societies where the girls are forbidden schooling, there are the few who bravely sneak behind the oppressors and are able to study. They face dire consequences if their actions are discovered but the need to learn is stronger than their fear of discovery. I admire them immensely for their bravery. We females in developed countries can't imagine being treated this way but we haven't reached complete equality with men yet so we shouldn't be too complacent. Just look at the leaders of our country and see how few women are among them. Look at the CEO's of large corporations and see how the vast majority are men. We still have miles to go but equality isn't too far in the future for us.

The human spirit is strong and we have a deep yearning for justice. There is no justice in attempting to keep half the population uneducated so the backward societies will sooner or later wither and die. It can't be soon enough.

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