Thursday, August 20, 2009

Just a Thought

What are people thinking when they walk behind a car that's backing up? Worse still, why would anyone pushing a baby stroller walk behind a car that's backing up?

Saw a Volkswagon police car today. Somehow it didn't portray much authority.

Picture a squirrel without it's bushy tail and we'd all be terrified to see them scampering around our yards.

Why do we mow the lawn and then water it to help it grow?

Why do people lunching with friends or family carry on conversations on their cell phones instead of enjoying the people they're with?

Do people talking on cell phones realize anyone within hearing distance can hear their business?

Ever watch a newscaster solemnly announce the death or tragedy of someone and then quickly switch gears, grin and announce a happier event?

Why do we adore chubby babies and frown on chubby adults?

Why do we blog and think anyone would be interested in our thought???

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