Friday, January 01, 2010

Caledonia Couple Wins Lawsuit

Yeah!!!! Finally some justice for the citizens of Caledonia who have suffered from the lawless native Indian society that the Ontario government gave free rein for too many years!

I hope every single Caledonia citizen who had to put up with native uprisings, selfish demands, and criminal activity will launch a class action lawsuit against the Ontario government for their refusal to uphold the law. Money talks, baby, and the natives need to answer to the same laws as the rest of us.

With 70% unemployment, the natives had way too much time to bite the hand that feeds them, specifically the working person's hand. The Ontario government had to know they couldn't turn a blind eye to the non-native citizens of Caledonia and allow the natives to continuously break laws with little or no consequences forever. As it is, it went on way too long and I will never know why there weren't murders committed in that little community over this.

For the couple who settled out of court, I hope you got millions. For the rest of the Caledonia citizens, go for it. Sue the Ontario government's ass off. You deserve it after all you've been subjected to these past few years.

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