Saturday, February 27, 2010

Damned Cold in Florida

Did anyone really think we've been kidding when we say it's freezing in Florida this winter? Well, just take a look at my poor brother-in-law making up his bed in my Florida room. The parka and hat really aren't his pyjamas but they're almost needed.

Larry happens to snore so his wife, Joyce, sleeps inside the nice warm trailer on the couch and I sleep inside the nice warm trailer in my bed. I'd thought we'd leave the patio doors open into the Florida room so it would gain some warmth but Joyce keeps them closed...too much noise from Larry.

So Larry bundles up under the comforter and makes sure to shut the door quickly when he comes inside the trailer so that Joyce and I don't get cold.

Seriously, though, it only hit 52 degrees today and most of our nights in the last week have been near freezing.

Poor Larry.


Kim said...

Oh Larry I feel your pain. You guys are mean! Snorers are people too!!!!! Big warm hugs coming from here :)

Shelley said...

I'm with Kim...though I wear earplugs! Poor Larry!!