Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Eating Sensibly...-9 1/2

I know, I know. You shouldn't weigh yourself every day when trying to lose weight but I'm so insecure about my will power that I'm still doing it. In any case, it's still going okay.

I'm never hungry in the morning or when I'm busy so the late evenings are the hardest for me to ignore food. Apparently inactivity is a big part of my problem because it leads to wanting to fill the void with food. Morning coffee does it in the A.M. but I can't drink too much in the evening or I'll be up all night going to the bathroom. Last night at around 10 P.M. I was feeling just a slight bit hungry so I popped a piece of gum in my mouth and that satisfied me until bedtime.

I've developed some terrible eating habits over my 69 years and they won't change overnight. The one thing I'll really need to change, though, is my fixation with the scale. You only need to weigh in once a week!

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