Tuesday, March 30, 2010

From the Mouth of a Babe

There used to be a T.V. program called "Kids Say the Darndest Things" and it's so true. My grandniece is just 2 years old and this is one of her latest.

Her parents took her to a restaurant and, as she was seated, she asked "Where's the racist?". Her parents were shocked and asked her to repeat the question. "Where's the racist?", Avry asked again.

She meant, "where's the waitress?". Funny!

When my youngest daughter was about 4 years old she tried to say "goody, goody gumdrops" but it came out "giddy, giddy dwumgops". We laughed until we cried and she angrily stomped away only to return moments later.

Again she determinedly said, "giddy, giddy, dwumgops" and we fell off our chairs laughing. She was furious and stomped away once more.

Back she came and made another futile attempt before she gave up. I've often thought of that day and it still makes me smile. It was a precious moment...for everyone but Shelley, of course.


Shelley said...

I'm permanently scarred. :-)

patsyrose said...

You were and are loved, my precious.