Wednesday, April 28, 2010

There's Still Hope For Us

Making the news the other day was the story of people walking past a bleeding, dying man and not offering help. Some young men were even cold enough to film his death on their cell phones. Horrible!

Then today I read about 2 men who, upon witnessing a woman being beaton on her front lawn, racing to her rescue and taking measures to capture her assailant. This is what humanity is supposed to be about...people helping those in need. And this is what happens the vast majority of the time. Instances like those where a dying person is ignored are far and few between so we shouldn't think of them as the new norm.

Our world is full of good samaritans, good people who do their best to make this a better world. I don't think our society could function without the masses of volunteers who give of their time and abilities to aid those in need. Maybe instead of schools force feeding explicit sexual education on our youngsters, they should be teaching them how gratifying volunteering can be in their lives.

The kindness of strangers...far more powerful than any cruel and uncaring act committed by an imbecile.

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