Monday, May 24, 2010

About Being Kind

My 2 oldest daughters spent the day yesterday taking a drive, then to Niagara Falls to see the fireworks, with a stopover at the casino. What made me glow inside is that they invited me to join them. Unfortunately, I had to decline because Sunday is the day I always meet my sister for lunch or coffee.

No, I didn't join them but the glow remains because they thought to ask me. There's an old saying, "It's the thought that counts", and it's also an offered kindness, whether accepted or not, that sticks in your mind for a long time.

Maya Angelo (forgive me if I spelled that incorrectly) said something about how people never forget about how you made them feel and that's so true. If you cause a hurt, an insult, or a smile, people do remember.

As I've aged, I've realized more and more how much it matters to show kindness whenever the opportunity arises. It makes you a better person, maybe the person you were always meant to be. When I offer an act of kindness it comes from deep within, not from the heart but from the soul. It transforms you if you allow it.

We are too often self centered but that attitude is stifling. You grow when you extend yourself to others. You become more human.

The world seems so full of hatred, anger, and evil but inside us all is the ability to rise above the animalistic part of our nature. We tap into the goodness with each act of kindness and love and, as they flourish, the badness diminishes.

Battling evil with good isn't a new concept but it does work. With every act of kindness, you can dispel sadness and loneliness. How powerful...and how simple!

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