Monday, May 31, 2010

Assisted Suicide

I watched an interesting movie on T.V. last night about a true story of how an English lady, dying from an incurable and devastating illness, went to Switzerland for an assisted suicide. It is legal in that country and should be legal in any forward thinking country.

When a person is dying from a debilitating disease with no chance of recovery, they should have the choice of how long they want to persist in this life. They should have the choice of whether to continue to suffer or to be allowed to pass on to the next dimension.

Assisted suicide is not a new concept but has been practiced covertly since the beginning of time and will always be with us. The question of legalizing it is only because people in Canada who participate in an assisted suicide can be prosecuted. When done now, medical personnel will usually ignore the signs if the deceased was indeed suffering needlessly.

I don't fear death because I truly believe we pass on to another level of life. I could be wrong but I'd rather take the chance of assisted suicide than to be in endless agony. I'd want it to be my own choice when the time comes.

The reason we don't have legalized assisted suicide in Canada is because of the church. They believe that only god has the right to end life. The church's power supersedes the people's will in many cases and I think this is one of them. I just don't understand why any religion would condone unnecessary suffering when someone is dying.

I think Canada will legalize assisted suicide in the near future because it is logical to do so. The church's power is diminishing and that could be the deciding factor. It's really time to bring this touchy subject to the forefront and discover just what percentage of the population want it legalized.

It's not a question of sin or murder. It's simply a question of reasonable choice.

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