Saturday, May 29, 2010

Yip and Yap are Back

It's that time of year again when Yip and Yap's mother goes away for the long weekend and I get to dogsit. I used to verbally warn the neighbors that Yip and Yap were going to be here but I gave that up. It's very obvious the dogs are here the very first time they're let out for a pee. They bark from the moment their little Jack Russell feet hit the doorstep, then bark at anything that moves ar dares to speak in any of the adjoining yards. Then they come to the door and bark to be let in. Sigh!

Inside the house they're very sweet and no trouble at all unless someone comes to the door. Barking again, followed by dog rapture if the visitor comes in. Bailey grabs her toy and growls as she wrestles it all over the room, hoping that the visitor will try to pull it from her. Baker looks on in disgust at the newcomer and disappears under the sofa. She's not very sociable.

When i leave the house they bark forever. I've heard them barking when I returned so I don't know if they ever shut up. I do believe that the barking is common with this breed of dog but, no matter, it helps me make a firm decision not to get a dog of my own.

Right now they're both laying on the floor by me, resting but ever on the watch to see if I try to go out. They're ready to bark at a moment's notice.

I complain about them but they really are very sweet and gentle animals and it's nice to feel a furry little body at my feet no matter where I sit...that would be Bailey. Baker wouldn't lower herself to grovel at anyone's feet.

They go home tomorrow and I will miss them, but just a bit.

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