Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day To Relax

When I choose a day for relaxation I don't really just relax and do nothing. Today was my day and I spent it doing the things I love. I lazed around until about 8:30 and then hopped in the car and went to the bank, then on to the grocery store, and on to the nursery. I'd made up my mind to use more marigolds this year because that sunny burst of yellow in the garden is so pretty. I bought a flat of yellow marigolds, salmon impatiens, white impatiens, and pink begonias and also 2 sweet potato vines.

I like to line the flower beds at the side and back of the yard with the same flowers so my choice this year was the marigolds and the salmon impatiens. There are so many perennials such as hostas, coral bells, and a few mums in those gardens that I'm needing fewer and fewer annuals.

I planted the others in various pots around the yard but I still need quite a few more plants. I like to get them in dribs and drabs so that I have a chance to think about what I want. This year I'd also like to try something new, too, so I'll have a look at Donna's garden and see what she's doing.

After all was planted and watered, I settled myself on the deck with my head in the shade and my lily white legs in the sun and read a terrific book by Patricia Cornwell that I've never read before. It was written in 1992 so I don't know how I missed it...I love her novels!

The afternoon was interspersed with reading a few chapters and then moving the sprinkler to a new location. My neighbors had a play day for their children and the air was filled with sweet childish laughter. I sat smiling and giving my daily, silent thanks to Dennis for this moment.

Every once in a while I thought of work I could be doing but firmly resisted the temptation. Today was to be a day of rest and that was all it was going to be. We need days like this once in a while in order to appreciate the work that led up to it. Today I'm appreciating!

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