Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This is my latest Swedish weaving afghan, not quite finished but shaping up beautifully. It's for my daughter's in-laws and I know how much they'll appreciate the work and love put into it.

Carmen and Juan are spiritual people so that's why I chose the red and gold yarns. I believe they represent power. At one time, Carmen had their kitchen ceiling painted red so I know she identifies with that color.

All of the afghans I make are gifted to the people I love and I most definitely love Carmen and Juan. I've felt from the very beginning of her marriage that Shelley was one lucky lady to have these two people for in-laws. They have the same strong family values that we do and they accepted us into their family unit with open arms.

Carmen is especially precious. She is the most welcoming lady I've ever met, one who takes you in without question and tends to offer everyone the key to her home. I know that every time I see them I'm met with honest smiles and hugs.

I'm always harping on the joys of a close family but the importance of family, both blood and extended, can't be overstated. Shelley's in-laws are Cubans where family is maybe more important in their culture than in ours and I am so happy about that. It warms your heart to know you have more and more extended family in your life. And having a loving relationship with that extended family is worth more than gold.

Every stitch I've put into this afghan has been done with love for these people and I know they'll feel that when I hand them their gift.


Valerie-in-mid-life said...

Auntie Patsy - It is beautiful! Carmen will love it.

patsyrose said...

Thank you, Val. I'd make you one but I think your mother would prefer to do it!