Monday, May 17, 2010

Sad Time

My grandson's wife lost their baby yesterday about 2 months into the pregnancy and it's chilled me to the bone. I'd already envisioned this little person as arriving into the family some time in December, welcomed as all babies are.

I feel the loss very deeply and that surprises me. Until the loss of this little one, I sort of thought of such early miscarriages as nothing much to be concerned about. But this little one was going to be ours. In my mind this was a complete little person just simmering in the womb. I can't seem to get my mind around the fact that the baby is gone.

My grandson and his wife are churchgoers with a strong faith and I know that will help them get through this but I'm an agnostic who has only more questions which will go unanswered. Why does a tiny life begin only to be cut short before birth? And where does that precious little soul go?

There is a loneliness associated with having no religion to lean on. Religious people can rest knowing that their god is taking care of things but an agnostic like me doesn't enjoy that comfort. I can only worry and wonder where the baby has gone.

Life will go on from here but there are some of us who will never forget the loss of this little baby.

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