Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Looking at the most recent photo of my greatgrandson, the most intense emotion of love just overcomes me. The sensation of love is a strange thing because your whole body responds to it. It's really sort of overwhelming when you think of it.

I've read that when you truly love someone you would give your life for them and that's pretty deep. In the case of any child, whether loved or not, I think most of us would put our lives on the line if they were threatened.

I spoke to a friend about the extreme love I had for my husband and said that I almost wished I hadn't experienced it because of the hurt that sometimes went along with it. She said, very wisely, that she would not have wanted to go through life and have never known a love like that. She was right, sometimes the pain is worth the gain.

I smile when I see my daughter with this little boy. He's her first grandchild and she is definitely overwhelmed with love for him. She turns into a ball of mush just when his name is mentioned and is even worse when he's with her. It won't take him long to discover that his Gramma is a pushover for whatever he asks for.

Love is a gift whether you are the recipient or the donor. It is a much stronger emotion than anger or hatred and can banish both. But don't make the mistake of confusing love with infatuation because they aren't the same. The core feeling of true love means you could never deliberately do harm to the one you love.

Sometimes the one you love doesn't love you and that's just one of the pitfalls of nature. Time will dull the pain of rejection and you will love again because that's one of the miracles of nature.

To make the most of life, love deep and love often. It's a gift.

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