Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gays Will Protest at G20

There are going to be so many protesters at the G20 in Toronto, all protesting for their own causes, that I'm not surprised that a gay contingent or two will be there also. The shame of it is that many will be there in freakish costume to draw attention to themselves in a way that does not represent the normal gay population.

One of the things they will be demanding is that every country in the world should accept them instead of shunning or ostracizing them because of their sexual preference. I understand them wanting unconditional acceptance but I also understand that gays will always be viewed as an aberration to some people. Seeing gays dressed in ridiculous costumes and flaunting themselves doesn't help change opinions like that. It only reinforces the prejudice. I believe if they paraded in regular street clothes, looking like normal people, they would be presenting themselves in a more natural and non threatening way. This might make people more receptive.

I read in this morning's newspaper that Ontario gays are very unhappy about the reversal of what was to be our new sex education guidelines for public schools. A gay lifestyle, sexual activity between two people of the same sex, makes it impossible for them to produce children. It seems incongruous that they should have any say in how heterosexual parents teach their children about sex. The gay community had wanted children as young as 5 years old to be taught about gay relationships and that would have been too confusing for them. I agree that sex education classes should include information about gays but not until the children are much older and able to understand that gays, who are only a small percentage of the population, should be accepted and not discriminated against.

When I was young, there seemed to be very few gay people (most still in hiding) and we were repulsed by the thought of two people of the same sex being together. Over the years I've re-educated myself and opened my mind a bit in order to realize that gays should not be harmed in any way for their lifestyle but I still believe they are not "normal". That sounds so awful in print but I'm trying to be honest about this.

Living creatures are somehow conditioned to reject that which is not the norm. I don't know if it's an ingrained obsession to insure the propogation of the species or if it's a need to propogate only the best of the species. In any case, gays who are true to their sexual nature, don't fit in with the master plan. If 100% of the population was gay the human race would disappear in one generation so they don't benefit the human race at all.

That said, I've also seen the sad effects of a sweet and wonderful gay man trying to live in a homophobic society and not able to withstand it. He committed suicide when he was in his 20's. This is so wrong and it's why I've come to the realization that gays need and deserve acceptance. I don't want the heterosexual community trying to change them but I also don't want the gay community trying to dictate to heterosexuals. We can live in peace and acceptance as long as we don't step on each other's toes.

The gay protesters we'll see at the G20 won't be representative of the gay community. In their own way, they'll be an aberration of the gay community. There really are all kinds, aren't there?

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