Monday, September 27, 2010

Anatomy of a Cold

Yesterday I felt like I was at death's door. My nose was running like a tap, I had a headache and swollen sinuses. I know I had a fever but not how high it was. My preferred treatment of a bad cold is to try to sleep it off so I slept most of the day.

When I awoke about 4 P.M., my fever had broken and I knew my immune system had done it's job while I slept. My nose was still running but not constantly and the headache was manageable.

I've been doctoring myself with cold and flu medicine just to make the symptoms less irritating but I know a cold just has to take it's own time passing and nothing you take will make it disappear faster. By sleeping, I took the stress off my body and that allowed my immune system to deal with the cold germs.

I slept very well all night considering how much sleep I'd had yesterday and awoke feeling better. You know that feeling you get when you're getting over an feel stronger and more alert. I have all the cold symptoms of yesterday ( no fever, though) but at a much reduced level. I'm over the hump, so to speak.

But...I ran out of milk yesterday morning and I like my coffee with 1/2 cup of milk. This morning I had to settle for a cup of hot water but I do this every once in a while, anyway, because I like it. I'm hoping that I'll feel well enough today to do some grocery shopping but, if I don't, hot water in the morning is not a bad alternative.

I'm still mad that, after all these years and all the medical accomplishments, no-one has been able to discover a cure for the common cold.

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