Sunday, September 26, 2010

Gotta Cold

I am so miserable with this darned cold. My nose runs so much that I have to walk around with a Kleenex stuck in it...gross, I know, but that's the nature of colds. My runny nose even woke me up over and over all night. Colds are nasty, uncomfortable things and I don't know why science hasn't been able to find a cure.

I'll bet that colds are responsible for more lost work hours than any other illness. We might be lucky enough to sail through life with no serious illness but most, if not all, of us will be struck down with many colds. Why, oh why, is there no cure?

My head feels as though it's stuffed with cotton puffs and my eyes are sore. I'm coughing a bit but I know that will increase once the cold leaves my head and travels down to my chest. I can see this misery lasting for days yet and I'm not a happy camper.

I'm supposed to go to a show/play with Faye today but that's out of the question. I'm supposed to look after Nolan for a few hours tomorrow but I don't dare go near him. I'm supposed to meet Donna for lunch on Tuesday and then come back here for Swedish weaving...I still have hopes for that. Colds interfere with a person's busy life.

The one good thing about this cold is that it didn't settle upon me next week. That's when I begin a series of doctor's and dentist's appointments. Rescheduling those would be a big pain. They are only for check-ups and cleaning but it takes months to arrange these appointments.

Today, I'm staying in my nightie and snoozing on the sofa. I'll try Dennis' treatment for a cold...lots and lots of water to clean you out. I think the water also makes you feel better by replacing all the moisture that escapes from your nose. I know...gross.

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