Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Burning the Koran

I'm very worried about the fallout if that southern nutcase preacher goes ahead with his plans to publicly burn a Koran. He seems totally unaware that his actions could cause American soldiers to lose their lives. As much as he reveres his own bible, Muslims probably feel stronger about their Koran and they would have every right to feel insulted. My hope is that they will realize that there are kooks in every religion and they don't represent the whole.

If even one soldier loses his life in Afghanistan because this idiot preacher wants to draw attention to himself by burning a Koran, it would be a travesty. I honestly can't understand his reasoning other than he seems to want to inflict a huge insult on the Muslim religion. And what good would that do? You do not elevate your own status by inflicting insults on another, you only make yourself look foolish.

If the only casualty in his actions is that he makes himself look like a fool, then it doesn't much matter what he does. But it just might matter to soldiers on the front lines in Afghanistan. We can only hope for some common sense to rule in this issue.

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