Thursday, September 09, 2010

Fancy Shmancy Garages

Garages used to be places to park your cars and for husbands to keep a little workshop where they (most of them) could pretend they were handymen. I half watched a T.V. program this morning that showed other types of garages, some that people had built and decorated to "show who they were". Some actually had chandeliers and kitchens.

I believe in the past that the only thing a garage told about it's owners was whether or not they were neat. These new, outrageously decorated garages tell a different tale about their owners. Ostentatious is a word that comes to mind.

I cringe when I watch home buyers or home decorating shows and I hear people say things like, "It's not us." or "We want a color to show who we are.". Puke! What they appear to be to me is shallow.

I have no garage and park in my driveway so I wonder what that says about me to the world...I've never thought about it before and really don't give a rat's behind. But if I did have a garage, it would be neatly lined with tables holding long ago discarded crafts materials. There would be room inside for my car. It would not have a chandelier.

I guess the world holds all kinds and that gives us opinionated people lots to blog about.

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