Monday, October 04, 2010

Blood Work Done/Good

Since 2007 I've had to go once a year to the cancer clinic to have my bloodwork done. That year I had a regular check-up and some irregularity was found in my blood and I was told I had a very mild case of CLL...Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia. It scared the wits out of me for a while until I understood that this was something so slow moving that it could take decades before it needed treatment.

Today I had my yearly blood work done and it remains almost exactly what it was 3 years ago so I guess they were right. My doctor said my levels are so close to normal that the yearly check-ups could be done by my family doctor instead of me having to go to the cancer clinic. Now, this would have been good news but my wonderful family doctor is very close to retirement and I don't like the doctor who will take his place.

For whatever reason, seniors have a difficult time finding a new family doctor. I couldn't believe it when I found out that a family doctor has the right to refuse a new elderly patient because "they require more attention". Since doctors are paid per visit, regardless of who the patient is, why would this be a problem for them?

I chose to stay with the cancer clinic doctor for my bloodwork and will continue to pay the darned $15 parking fee once a year in order to do so. My family doctor is a treasure and I've been fortunate to have him and his caring, knowledgeable ways for 35 years. I don't like his replacement but I seldom need a doctor anyway so I guess I'll just have to take what I get when my own doctor retires.

The good news is that my bloodwork is fine and I don't have to have it done for another year.

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