Friday, October 22, 2010


With age comes wrinkles in the skin. Some have more and some have less but it's like death and taxes, one way or another it's going to come at you.

I've never minded the grey hair because you can still style it nicely but there is not one darned thing you can do to eliminate wrinkles without surgery. Not many of us are that vain so we put up with them the best we can.

I noticed a rapid increase in my own wrinkles the year my husband became sick and passed away so I bet stress has something to do with it. I've also read that smoking increases the wrinkles around the mouth. I've never smoked but there are some wrinkles there, too.

My dermatologist has said I'm a good candidate for facial laser treatment and I did give it a moment's thought but realized there's not much sense in having a youthful face and an old body so I won't have it done. Besides, what do I need a more youthful face for? It won't make me a nicer person than I am now.

You hear stupid comments like, "Wrinkles are just a sign that you've lived a full life". Bullfeathers. They're more apt to be a sign that you're carrying faulty genes. One more thing to blame my family tree for, I guess.

One thing about wrinkles is that, if you winter in Florida, you just blend in with the crowd.

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