Friday, November 26, 2010

Rotten Tipout

Mickey came over to examine the trailer tipout that I'd hoped only needed propping up and officially declared it "rotted out". Apparently the tipout floor and the wall right up to the window will need replacing. I'd hoped so much that the damage wouldn't be so extensive because I hate asking him to do another huge job. He's quite willing to do it, though, so I'll just thank my lucky stars I have him.

Dennis always told me not to open the window on that tipout because it was difficult to close and it appears the leak is coming from around the window. Mickey will do an excellent job but I hate having all the upheaval. Oh well, thank heavens for Mickey.

I'm going to move the computer desk from that tipout to the front window, too, because that might be too much weight for the tipout to bear. These trailers are so darned flimsy. The tipouts make for about 3' of extra floor space but if they're not installed properly they can cause problems. Dennis had to replace the tipout in the bedroom a few years back because it was also rotted out.

All in all, I still love my little Florida trailer and wouldn't give it up for anything. If it needs a bit of repair now and again, then it's all worth it.

Seven of us ladies played "31" last night and we laughed all night long. The way we play any game is to have fun first and then to worry about who's turn it is to deal. We'd drive serious card players insane but it would be fun to have one of them play with us just so we could watch their face when we screw up over and over again.

It's going to be hot again today but rain is on the way. That's okay because we do need it. I'm just wondering how easy it is to get Buddy out to do his business in the rain. I'll find out tonight.

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