Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year..2011

This has been a full year. Besides the family events, one of the main things that stand out in my mind is the story of the Chilean miners who were trapped underground for months only to be brought safely to the surface one by one. That story alone was so uplifting in it's message of how people really do go out of their way to help when needed. We cared.

I have a lot of family members that I love very much but the one who brought the most joy to my life was Nolan, my great grandson. Who would have thought that one little person in the world could raise your joy level that much? I know his baby brother, who arrives sometime in February or March, will raise it even higher.

With every year comes happiness, sadness, and disappointments. If you're lucky, the happiness will far outweigh any negatives in your life. 2010 was a good one for me and I'm grateful to have been around to enjoy it.

My computer sits at the front window of my trailer now and I get to watch the world go by as I type and surf. It's a busy corner here because it's right across the road from the clubhouse so there's always lots of activity. I see the walkers, the cart riders who wander the park and visit, the cleaners, and the odd visiting child ride by on their bikes. This year there is a 95 year old man who walks by at a fast pace and I mentally toss him my respect and amazement every time he scoots by. Can you just imagine all he has seen and experienced of the world in his 95 years?

Today, New Year's eve, will be one more of the nice days in my life. There are over 40 of us going out for dinner together and then there's the party at the clubhouse in the evening. I'll finish off the year with good friends...who could ask for more?

If there's anything this old gal can tell you about life, it's that it's mainly how you personally construct it. It takes some of us longer to learn the knack and, unfortunately, some never learn it. You usually have choices about the path you'll take and each choice can lead you in drastically different directions so choose wisely.

I had to live a long time before I got it sort of figured out and now I know the path I'm on is the right one. When I was younger, it was more like being on one of those bumper car rides where you veer from one collision to another and you have almost no control. My life is calmer and more self directed now. I remember my grandmother saying that she wished she was young again but knew what she knew now. I always thought that was a silly saying but now I understand it. She was right.

Anyway, Happy New Year and lets all hope next year brings that peace on earth that we all wish for.

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