Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Raining Dead Birds

I just listened to a news report that said a couple of areas in Arkansas have seen hosts of dead birds of all varieties falling out of the skies. There's only one thing that could cause that and that's contact with some sort of poisonous substance. Of course, officials are blaming fireworks and lightening but that doesn't make sense.

The government apparently is always trying to keep the citizens from panicking so they keep information from us. I think most people are like me and can handle bad news if we know we're getting all the details. If those birds died from chemical contact, then tell us that a full investigation will be started and we'll be notified of the honest results. Otherwise our little heads become filled with all sorts of diabolical scenarios.

I, for one, would absolutely love to know if alien life has ever visited earth. That wouldn't scare me at all...but some human beings scare the beejeezus out of me.

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