Friday, April 15, 2011

The Energizer Bunny/Nolan

Kim, Shelley, Mary, and I took Nolan to Paris for lunch and a walk around that pretty town yesterday. The weather turned out to be excellent for just a light jacket but I'd feared cold winds and wore a heavy jacket which I quickly discarded. It was a little cool for just t-shirts but manageable. Nolan was his usual, happy, contented, and busy little self. He's such a good baby and caused us no trouble at all except for his klutzy moves which often scared us to death. He climbs, wiggles, leans over or falls over constantly. He doesn't cry. We almost do just out of fear for him. We had a nice lunch in a Chinese restaurant where the only thing Nolan would eat were the egg rolls. He's a fussy eater who eats well the things he likes but turns his head away from the unknown. Smart kid! Then we strolled around Paris...just about 2 blocks long in the downtown...and visited a few of the stores. Shelley bought a moose bird feeder which was cute and unique. She belongs to some kind of moose group back in Florida and thinks they'll all want one of these. She also bought me a fridge magnet that says, "The only reason I have a kitchen is because it came with the house". I love it! Nolan really was like the energizer bunny every time he was allowed out of his stroller. He ran around examining everything while we all followed him taking care that he didn't hurt himself. He finally wound down and fell asleep on the drive home. When we got back to Kim's, the funniest thing happened with Nolan. We were sitting out on her deck watching him running around (once waking from his nap, the energizer bunny started up again) when Baker, Kim's dog, went out in the yard area to have a poop. Nolan watched this event with interest and, when Baker came back up onto the deck, Nolan stooped down to inspect the opening the poop had emerged from. Such sweet innocence! Shelley and I had dinner at Kim's in the evening and then watched "American Idol". We're all hooked on that show and were sad to see anyone eliminated. My favorite, Jacob Lusk, is still in! Shelley and I headed home after watching "Idol" and a taped "Big Bang Theory" those shows! It had been a wonderful day all around.

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