Monday, April 18, 2011

Healthy Depression

At least I hope it is. I'm feeling horrible so it must be depression but I think it's the healthy kind, you know, feeling low for a good reason and pretty sure it will pass. It's 3:04 P.M. and I've slept most of the day and am still in my nightgown...this isn't a good sign but I'm still feeling strong enough to pull myself out of this. Actually, the more I write, the better I feel. My blog has been a sounding board for me and that's a good way to work yourself through a problem. True depression just doesn't feel this way. True depression drags you down unmercifully and there's no light at the end of the tunnel. My feelings today are not good but I'm not in the depths of anything. When I'm slightly depressed, I have a strong urge to run away but it's pretty crappy outside today and going for a drive in damp, drizzly, overcast weather couldn't possibly make me feel good so I'll just wait it out. Having suffered from true depression for most of my life, I do have a niggling fear about this episode but I'm not the person I was all those years ago. I'm stronger and have more confidence in myself. As my "sister" said, "This, too, shall pass".

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