This is the latest edition to my Elvis collection, a gift from Lisa and Anna, my young neighbors. Lisa brought it over yesterday and said they knew I'd love it as soon as they saw it. I'll say it again, I have the best neighbors in the world!
The little bear is dressed in a red shirt with silver belt and cape and it dances and plays a long rendition of "Blue Suede Shoes" when you press it's foot. I'm going to keep it right on the computer desk so it will give me a happy lift every time I look at it. So cute!!
We also made plans for Lisa, Anna, Kim, and I to go out for dinner on Thursday to that great Greek restaurant we went to last year.
Lisa told me her family is taking another trip to China this fall but she isn't interested in going. I think she'll enjoy those few weeks to herself and it also helps her get ready for the day she moves into a home of her own. I've come to love these girls like daughters but life does go on and I understand that sometimes we have to just let go of our loved ones and let them fly away to their own destination. We can only hope that they will come back to see us occasionally.
Anyway, I'll always think of Lisa and Anna when I look at Mr. Elvis Bear and remember the good times we've had together. They've added a lot of fun to my life over the years.
I hafta say, it is cute. I like his hair :)
He has an "Elvis" cut!
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