Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'm Depressed

I've fought the good fight but this rain day after day has finally gotten to me. If I don't see sunshine soon, I think I'm going to scream. Honestly, what we've had and are going to get is can survive with their wits intact if we don't see the sun regularly.

I'm sick of being stuck indoors and would probably suffer being rained on if only it was warmer. Every time my furnace comes on I seethe with anger about the cost and also the fact that it's even needed at this time of year. I don't want to be angry but there's no way I'll be cold, either.

According to the weather report, we'll have sun and warmth on Saturday but rain all the next week. I'd escape but there's no place to go. This is the summer that I planned to clean out my sewing room of all the crafts I'll never use again and this would be the perfect time to do that but I can't rouse myself from my misery to get it done. Grey days do that to me. My only real escape seems to be the computer but even that gets boring after a while.


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