Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tim Horton's...Not So Good

Tim Horton's restaurants are one of the mainstays of every living Canadian who loves coffee. The restaurants can be found on approximately every 4th block in the city and most have drive-through service as well as sit-in. They are clean and the service is usually fast and efficient.

That's why, today, at my local Tim Horton's where I visited for the first time, it seemed like the staff had gone a little whacky. Mary and I walked in to a fairly quiet establishment and I ordered a walnut crunch donut and a large coffee, half coffee and half milk. Mary ordered a chocolate iced donut and a medium coffee with 4 milks and 1 sugar. The young waitress seemed very distracted and seemed to mess up what she was keying into the cash register. Then she began to repeat what we had ordered...a large double/double...!! Mary and I looked at each other and decided she was taking orders for the drive-through but, no, she was just at the end of her shift and unable to concentrate on our order. So we told her once more what we wanted and she apparently keyed it in correctly but then handed the cash register over to an older lady and walked away.

The older lady seemed just as distracted as the young lady because she couldn't understand our order. We explained it again and she pointed off to the side and walked away. What?? Did she want us to go to another counter? Well, at that counter was a clerk carrying on a loud and lengthy conversation with a few people who were in line behind us...they seemed to know each other.

Our clerk passed quickly by and again told us, in passing, to go to the next counter so we did. Our order was delivered there and handed to us rather cooly, if I do say so myself.

Now, if we had complained, what exactly would we have said? "How many times do we need to give a simple order?"; "Please speak directly to us and don't just point when you're telling us to go to another counter."; "Try looking as though you're happy to see us because it's our patronage that pays your salaries." But we said none of those things. The way we will respond is by never going to that Tim Horton's again.

Coffee and donuts were good but the service was not. I really hate to see our beloved Tim Horton's restaurants go downhill like this.

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