Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gays Want Bert & Ernie to Marry

Gays believe that Bert and Ernie, Sesame Street muppets, are gay and they want them to get married. Now, I don't think I've ever seen anything vaguely sexual (homo or otherwise) about the muppets except their designated sex, either male or female. Is it possible for dolls to have a sexual preference? Is this information necessary for 5 and 6 year old children?

In my humble opinion, we should let children be children for a good long time and not force them to even consider what kind of sexual acts their little cartoon or muppet friends are engaging in.

Once again I'm wondering why gay people, who cannot have children without heterosexual activity, are so darned insistent on interfering in how heterosexuals raise their children. If gays want to teach their own children (adopted or turkey basted) that Bert and Ernie are gay, then let them do so but don't ruin a good children's program for the majority of us.

I've always loved Bert and Ernie and just looked on them as innocent and childlike. Can't we just leave it that way?

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