Sunday, August 14, 2011

New Knee Brace

My right knee has been bedevilling me for over a month with the sharp pain just diminishing the last week or so. It still feels unstable and it leaves me walking like an old woman in the makes no difference that I am an old woman, I don't want to walk like one!

I've bought a few of the more expensive knee braces that hold together with velcro and have sort of an opening for the knee but they tend to pop off occasionally. They also feel cumbersome behind the knee and make my leg sweaty. I've resisted buying just the elastic knee support because they're cheap so I thought they couldn't work as well but today I decided it wouldn't hurt to try one so I brought it home, not expecting to keep it. It cost about $13 and went on easily, stayed in place, and I actually forget I even have it on.

The bulkier ones with the velcro closing can't be worn with anything but shorts but this little elastic one could be worn with anything. My one complaint is that it's black and I'd prefer a beige color. At this price, I'll look for a beige one but keep this black one anyway.

I'm really quite happy that I took a chance and bought it but I also bought (impulsively) a new vacuum cleaner at the same time. I decided to do some research on it before opening the box and putting it together and found out that this particular one (Bissell) is a piece of crap and not worth keeping. I'll return it tomorrow and probably go to Sears and get a good Kenmore. It will probably cost me 4 or 5 times as much money but my old Kenmore vacuum cleaner is about 20 years old so maybe you do get what you pay for.

I'm very happy with my new knee support, though!

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