Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Don't Vote

I don't vote and if ever I begin to think this is a mistake all I have to do is listen to the so called public service ads on T.V. All parties are either making promises they will never keep or else they're degrading their opponents but I know they're all cut from the same cloth. We, the public, cannot trust a politician and yet we need them to run the country. It's a catch 22 position that we're in, unfortunately.

Now, I knew they all lie and they'll forget all about the people they represent once they're in power, but someone has to run this country. Our only hope against out and out thievery by our politicians is that we have a free press and people who devote their lives to keeping the thievery down to a minimum. There is not a party which is better or worse than the other...except maybe the NDP. They are worse than I ever would have believed years ago when I supported them wholeheartedly. That is, until they became the ruling party in Ontario and damned near bankrupted the province in their first year in power. No one was more shocked than I was that the "party of the people" was so inept. The NDP forgot who was paying the bills in Ontario and simply gave away our money to every public program that crossed their path. They gave with abandon until the public finally stood up and screamed loudly that the NDP was out of control and it had to stop.

That was when I lost faith and stopped voting. After all, if the "party of the people" couldn't do better by us then no-one could. I had to admit that the Liberals and Conservatists at least knew how to steal but not bankrupt the province.

Against my better judgement, I did vote in our local election last fall because I felt strongly that we needed a new mayor. The old one was inept and the new one that I voted for is secretive. A politician by any name is still a rat.

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