Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Car

So the car was running very rough on Monday when we went to the casino and it made me think it might not make it all the way over to Tampa on Monday so yesterday I took it into a local shop to have them find the problem. They were very kind and seemed to have my best interests at heart, especially when I told them I'd already paid $2000 on the transmission. They all said that I'd been robbed because the problem didn't sound like transmission trouble.

I waited in their waiting room for a couple of hours while they scanned it, ruling out one after another of potential problems. They suggested I go home because it could be a while before they found anything so I phoned Mickey and Sylvia and they came right over to pick me up. I can't help but wonder about the people who have no-one to help them out.

The car was kept overnight so I phoned this morning and was told they still can't find the problem but to give them a bit more time and they'd call later. I stayed off the computer even though I had lots of work to do and waited until 3 P.M. before calling the shop myself. Guess what? They closed early for the American Thanksgiving and no-one was there. Damn! I don't mind being without a car for a few days but they really should have called to tell me they needed it longer.

Mickey was kind enough to drive me over to Publix so I could get the things I need for the salad I'm taking to our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow in the clubhouse. My friends here are more like family and I wish so much they all lived closer to me in Canada.

My lip is continuing to heal but I still have discomfort from the swelling. It's not the worst thing in the world!

Tonight we play Bingo and I'm still playing on winnings right now so the fates are being kind to me since I spent all that money getting the car fixed. At this rate, I'll need to continuously win at Bingo and the casino for the next 3 or 4 winters, though. And I'm not sure the car will ever be fixed!!

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