Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas With Shelley & Hers

This is an especially lovely Christmas for me this year because I'm spending it at Shelley's house. Lisette and Nicole are home from school and Jake and John are here, of course. It warms myt heart to see the interaction between these people...they are the closest of families, having learned from their families on both sides. Family is of utmost importance to all of us.

I brought my Swedish weaving, Tyson's afghan, to work on when I have time. This sweet family likes to sleep in late and I'm an early riser who doesn't like to disturb them with the T.V. so weaving is necessary. Tyson's afghan is starting to shape up and I really do like the effect of the rather gaudy colors of his favorite football team, the Minnesota Vikings. Purple, gold, and white look happy together!

The temperature is in the 80's but the house is filled with Xmas spirit. Shelley and the kids did some baking this afternoon so the house also smells really nice, too. They've already decorated the inside and outside of the house with lights so the warm weather can't stop us from enjoying one of the loveliest and joyful of seasons. Who needs snow??

I taught Jake to play "65" yesterday and he seemed to actually like it once we got started. I think he only played at first out of courtesy for his Gramma. I actually was the only one to screw up by passing him 2 wild cards by mistake. I also brought them a "Rummicubes" game which I believe they'll love once they learn how to play it. It requires a degree of intelligence whereas "65" is mainly luck and memory.

John bought a Xmas jig-saw puzzle to be put out tomorrow. Shelley wants to keep up with her father's traditions of always having a jig-saw puzzle to work on every Xmas day. I remember how none of my grandsons were interested in helping until the year I bought a puzzle consisting of nothing but women's butts in thongs. All of a sudden you couldn't pry them away from it. Wonder why? Anyway, having family traditions make for good memories, no matter what they are.

I love this house. Not only is it beautiful but the family who lives here fills it with love that makes me feel so darned lucky to be here. The only thing more that I could wish for would be for my whole family to be here. I really hate being away from Nolan and Nash because I know they'll be the life of Xmas back home. I sure hope someone posts a lot of pictures!!

Oh well, this will still be a dream Xmas for me and one I'll always remember...what I don't understand is how the heck I managed to change the printing style!!!! Hope it's not permanent because this is Shelley's computer. Sigh!

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