Saturday, February 25, 2012


This was the day I chose to pull furniture out and thoroughly wash the floors of the trailer. Saturdays are fairly quiet around here and it's one of the few days I have to myself so it was nice to take my time washing the floors. There's not much room to move furniture around so I have to do the floor in pieces, clearing a section and washing it and then waiting for it to dry before doing another section. Inbetween times, I drank my coffee and watched home improvement shows on T.V. An ideal morning!

In the afternoon, I decided to stay home and vegetate in front of the T.V. where I watched story after story of how someone would commit murder for their own personal reasons...all true stories. It's pretty gruesome to see how a man or woman can fall in love with someone and then somewhere down the line feel the urge to murder them. Much of it is greed but some of it is just the old saying..."if I can't have you then no-one will!". How selfish, self centered and egotistical!

I napped through part of the murderous orgies and then went over to Faye's for a gin and tonic. I'd been simmering a lovely home made soup in my crock pot all morning and afternoon so supper was taken care of. When I came back to the trailer in the late afternoon, the stories of murder continued on the T.V. and I wondered what the true nature of human beings truly is. I wonder if, just under the skin, we're all potential savages. I worry that we might be.

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