Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Stress the Waste

Whitney Houston died the other day and the T.V. news has been filled ever since with videos of her singing. Personally, these repetitious videos just fill me with anger at the waste of such a great talent and I'm hoping the stress will be placed on where the illegal use of drugs will get you. Talented beyond words and cold dead at age 48!

It's hard for the average person to understand when someone of supreme talent gets mixed up with drugs and destroys their lives. I think that they must be surrounded by too many people who can't say no to them or tell them the truth about their actions. Those people are not good friends because a good friend wouldn't stand by and let you do harm to yourself.

Whitney isn't the first great talent to ruin her life with drugs and she won't be the last because they seem to surround themselves with "yes men" and people who only care about how much money they can make for them or dead head groupies.

There are success stories among celebrities and they are the ones who should be admired. They faced the same temptations but were wise enough to resist them.

I feel sorry for Whitney but I'm really sick of hearing about what a nice person she was. Tell it like it is...she had a great talent and she threw it all away.

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