Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day Present

Kim and Cindy got me this beautiful birdbath for Mother's Day.  It's handblown and painted glass so I'm a little worried that a bad windstorm might blow it over but I'll anchor the stand with one of my pretty pink rocks (from up Joyce's way).  

I thought today how Mother's Day presents shouldn't be the usual pot of flowers but something you know your mother will love but would never spend the money on.  This is it!  There are so many things I see that I would love to have around the house but just don't think I should buy because they're sort of frivolous.  We need a bit of "frivolous" in our lives...it brightens them!

Along with the butterflies, which I love, is a saying, "Welcome each new day", and it's a lovely sentiment to live by.  The older I get, the more I live by that saying.  These days I have so much to be thankful for and no great sadness to deal with so it's easy for me to welcome the day.

Right now I'm playing on the computer with no housework waiting on me and I'm looking out into the backyard which is slowly coming together.  I see freshly planted flowers and a few empty pots waiting for my inspiration on what to put in them.  Life is good.

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