Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I looked after Nash and Nolan yesterday morning for a while and took a total of 44 pictures of them...these are the best I could do.  It's so darned hard to photograph their faces because they are constantly on the move and usually paying rapt attention to whatever toy has caught their eye.

It was fun to watch the interaction between these two brothers who look nothing alike and whose personalities are equally different.  Nolan is the busy boy and Nash, so gentle and quiet, follows him around just wanting to be near him in play.  Nolan pays very little attention to Nash but he does tolerate him well...maybe because Nash isn't a grabber.

The cardboard box that a baby car seat came in is still here and they loved climbing inside.  I have lots of toys at my house and all were bought at yard sales so very little money has been spent to entertain them.  It isn't greatgrandmaternal (could this be a word??) pride that makes me say they are such good little boys to take care of because it's the truth.  The only thing that tires me out is occasionally having to pick up "baby Huey".

It's been a time of thankfulness to the fates that I'm still here to enjoy these little boys.  Their greatgrandfather missed out on one of the greatest joys in life by not living long enough to see them.  I often think how much he could have taught them, just as he taught his children and his grandchildren.

One of my wishes is that this blog will survive long after I'm gone and these little boys will be able to read it and know how very much I love them.  I sure would have loved to read my own ancestors' thoughts no matter how trivial because I am blood of their blood.  I hope Nash and Nolan feel this way when they're older.

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