Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Good News

I know that people around the world are suffering in one way or another and that my good news is pretty small on the scale but it's my good news, anyway.  Nick got his promotion!  That means his hard work and dedication has been recognized, he gets a nice raise, and a company car next year.  

Now, everyone wants the best for their offspring and the whole family feels the giddy rush when one of our own is successful in their endeavours.  I was so thrilled when Nick called to tell me the news that I almost cried...happy tears, to be sure.  I knew how much this promotion meant to him and had felt bad about trying to keep him from getting his hopes up too high.  Disappointment can sting so painfully and it's best not to get too sure of yourself.  That's always been my motto because I just can't deal with disappointment dragging me down from the clouds.  But he did get the promotion and we're all so happy we could spit.

Nick is my oldest grandson and has always been more like a son to me.  He was the grandchild we had the most input with and he's just about as perfect a human being as can be.  I may be prejudiced but I don't care.  He's wonderful and he's just earned a nice promotion in his job.  Life is great!

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