Thursday, July 19, 2012

Now This Is Summer!

We'd been warned that cooler temperatures were on the way but I'd lost faith.  Yesterday I turned the central air off and tried to be comfortable with just the floor and ceiling fans but they fell short of the job.  I persevered, though, worrying what the temperature of my bedroom would be up on the 2nd floor when I headed to bed but was pleasantly surprised to find it not too bad.  I opened the bedroom window wide and felt a soft coolish breeze float across me for the first time in months.  How lovely.

I woke up this morning, opened all the 1st floor windows and the patio door to allow the most precious cool breeze to clear out the funky closed in smell that I'm sure had accumulated in my house after being closed up for so long.  This is heaven.  It's the way summer mornings should, not cold and definitely not so fiddlin' hot and humid that you can't open the door at 6 A.M. without quickly slamming it shut to keep the hot air outside.  Cool mornings make you glad it's summer because you know the day will gradually warm up.  If it's unbearably hot in the early mornings, the afternoons will be vicious!

I'd almost forgotten how nice a summer morning used to be before our climate went berserk.  This morning I'm sitting here at the computer near the open patio door and feeling this luscious cool air wend it's way across me and feeling happy as pig in poo.  I just noticed a dreaded squirrel run right over one of my potted plants and didn't feel my usual rage.

Now, this is my kind of Ontario summer! 

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