Sunday, July 08, 2012

Sears Credit Push

I'm finally completely fed up with Sears.  Today I took my little bundle of cash up to pay for a t-shirt that was marked 40% off...I didn't read the incredibly small print underneath that lovely offer, though.  At the register, I was told that, NO!, I could only get 30% off if I paid with cash.  The 40% (in very large print) was only if I paid with my Sears credit card.  I left the t-shirt sitting on the counter and told them I didn't want it, then.

Since when would a store refuse the same discount to a cash customer as it does to a credit customer?  This makes no sense...unless you stop to realize that this is an inducement for the customer to use their Sears credit card and maybe not be able to pay it all off at the end of the month, thereby paying interest charges to Sears.  Hmmm!

Sears...your stores have become crowded dumps and your ridiculous policies are ruining your business.  You just might be the next big business to go bankrupt. 

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