Friday, August 24, 2012

Jail Guards & Safety Vests

Jail guards in this city have been on strike for a couple of weeks now because they have been forbidden to wear safety vests while searching cells for a possible weapon.  Does this make sense to anyone?  Why should these hard working people be forced to take chances with their lives when the vests are right there for the using?

Apparently someone (I have no idea who) in charge of the jail has decided that it's emotionally harmful for the inmates to see their guards wearing safety vests.  WTF!!!!  Maybe it's equally harmful to their little psyches for them to be behind bars, too, or facing any kind of punishment for their crimes so we should just let them all go home.

This whole fiasco is so asinine that it's hard to believe it's really happening.  I remember a few years back when "someone" decided that it was racial profiling for the police to describe the criminal they were looking for as black.  These bleeding heart liberals are sometimes so ridiculous in their demands that it's hard to take them seriously...but too often it's a bleeding heart liberal who is making the rules that we are forced to abide by.

The good thing about the jail guard walkout is that their union and the public are supporting them.  Now it's only a matter of time before the "bleeding heart liberal" sees that he/she can't win this one.

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