Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Valedictorian Swears

A valedictorian in Oklahoma uses the word "hell" in her speech and is denied her graduation diploma.  Now there are two ways of looking at this.  First, "hell" is not such an awful word but using it in her speech showed a disrespect for tradition.  Second, you know darned well that another valedictorian somewhere will try to top her by dropping the "F" bomb.  So where do you draw the line?

We are losing the invisible line between respect and disrespect so fast now that it makes your head spin.  Following the unspoken rules of tradition might be boring and challenging to some but for most of us it's satisfying to know we're carrying forward part of the past.  This girl knew she was stepping on toes but seemed unable to exercise control.  But it got her on T.V., didn't it?

Once ground is broken there is no going back so we can expect more valedictorians to foul their speech, a speech that used to hold meaning and was an honor for the person giving it.  Using the word "hell" in her speech might have been just a joke for her but it was probably the beginning of the end for the once honorable position of valedictorian.  So sad to see another tradition bite the dust. 

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