Sunday, October 21, 2012

Use It Or Lose It

My wrist has only been immobile for 6 weeks and it's amazing how stiff it is and how much strength it's lost.  It's also amazing how much improvement I've seen in it's use the past couple of days since having the cast off.  It's far from back to normal but the flexibility is better every day.

You could apply the same evidence to the brain.  If we stop making an effort to learn new things, I bet the brain slows down.  I don't know about anyone else but I seem to stretch my poor brain to the limit every time I try to learn something new on the computer.  If I succeed, I congratulate myself on having revived a few half dead brain cells.  If I fail, I go on to another task.  I truly believe the computer will offer me a lifetime of brain stretching activities and I'll stick with it until I forget how to turn the computer on.

It's bad enough to watch your body go to pot due to laziness but no-one should willingly let their brain stagnate.  Heaven knows, if nothing else, we need good memories to remember all the darned passwords we have these days.  Some seniors simply use the same numbers for all of them but I chose to have different ones and the passwords I seldom use are already giving me trouble.  Oh well, as long as I can get money out of the bank and get into my house I'll try not to worry about it.


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