Friday, January 25, 2013

Aging Attitude

For the second week in a row we've had a special dinner in the clubhouse with entertainment and dancing afterward.  Many of us seniors chose to eat the dinner and then leave to play cards in the library instead of staying to dance.  Last week it felt kind of strange for me to prefer cards to dancing but this week I accepted that my preferences have simply changed.

When I was younger I loved to dance and couldn't wait for an opportunity to dance the night away.  My husband, on the other hand, hated to dance so that alone ruined a lot of my fun but it was still exciting to feel the music in my body even when sitting out a dance.  I continued going to the odd dance here in the park even when Dennis passed away but it came to feel uncomfortable for me.  There are obviously many more widows here in the park than single men so the married men feel obligated to dance with us and that's not fair to their wives.  I began to feel like a fifth wheel and that's not nice.

I don't know if my love of the dance would return if I had my very own dance partner but I'm inclined to think the excitement is gone for good.  I do know that I enjoy card games because of the socializing but they don't thrill me the way dancing did in the old days.  Sigh!

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