Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Well, it's been an interesting year full of the good, bad, and ugly but most of us made it through.  Just a sidenote...an employee from the propane shop has just arrived to fill my tank!!  On New Year's Day!!!  I'm not sure if any stores are open today so I'm surprised that this man is working on what we consider a holiday for most people.

Back to 2012...so many life experiences occur every year that we sometimes wonder how it all fit into a mere 365 days.  There were good times and bad times for our family but nothing that we can't handle.  I always think how long Dennis has been gone and what he has missed...7 1/2 years now. 

Yes, life goes on, ticking away every moment and we're bound to waste some of it.  But if we managed to fill part of that time with pleasant memories and laughter then we've accomplished a lot.  There can be beauty even in the worst of storms if we care to look for it.

Last night a large group of seniors here in the park rang in the new year by partying at the clubhouse but a slightly smaller group of seniors chose to spend our New Year's eve playing cards in our library (the old clubhouse).  It wasn't a raucus evening but we enjoyed the company of friends and even had our own party food and drink.  The success of your partying isn't measured by how wild and crazy you can get but by accepting that "wild and crazy" isn't for you at this moment in time.  When I was younger, the wilder and crazier the atmosphere on New Year's eve, the happier I was.  Nowadays, I honestly prefer my festivities to be more toned down.  It's the result of age as far as I can see but I do know seniors who still party hardy.

My hope for the new year is that my family prospers in every way they choose and that world leaders remember that the lives they lose in wars are precious.  I'd also like to win a few million dollars in the lottery, please.

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