Friday, February 01, 2013


So Beyonce lip synced (how the heck is that spelled??) and it makes world news.  There is so much in this world that isn't real, so why are we so upset that someone with a voice like Beyonce chose to use a recording instead of singing live?  It would have been nice if she hadn't cheated but would we rather have heard the travesty of reality that Rosanne Barr belted out a few years back?

Nothing is as it seems.  You might not even recognize Beyonce on the street without her makeup and fancy clothes...but then, maybe you would because she's just downright gorgeous.  But there are "stars" who would be plain as dirt seen without their makeup.

Then there's the big story on the news of a major football player who had a fictitious lover for a couple of years.  He never met her but he wasn't suspicious.  Do we really care?

It's almost as irritating as listening to news items of the dispute between 2 rude radio celebrities (never heard of these guys until being bombarded with their trial coverage).  Who the heck cares about them?

Is this really news we care about or is it to distract us from the more important stories of murder, mayhem, and inept politicians in the world?  I'm one of those people who want to hear important news on the news.  I don't want to hear the newscasters joking about their personal lives or their opinions on clothing worn to the Oscars.  Surely there must be lighter topics of real importance they can be relating to us if they think the tragedies of the world are a little too depressing.  I am waiting anxiously to hear that the little boy who was kidnapped by the maniac in the bunker has been rescued unharmed.  That would make my day.

So, I don't want to hear any more about Beyonce's little mistake.  It's such a nothing story and not worthy of air time.


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