Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Getting Things Done

Sent post dated cheques for lawn care and car/house insurance yesterday.  Arranged to have a service come in to clean my house from top to bottom...all the time knowing Dennis would not approve but I'm doing it anyway.  I've gradually begun to live my life the way I want to but never forgetting that it was Dennis' hard work that made this all possible for me in my senior years.

Cindy is having a birthday dinner for Tyson on Sunday and that's when I'll get to see the rest of my family.  I had already decided that I'm going to make an effort to get my family together more often this summer.  I don't plan to cook big dinners but there's always pizza delivery!  We've been fortunate with our family that we've always been close and loose at the same time, knowing we'll be there for each other whenever needed but not getting our noses out of joint if a bit of time goes by before reconnecting.  That's one of the reasons I don't come back home for Xmas.  Everyone has a busy life of their own and I'd probably only see them on Xmas day.  Then there'd be only the cold, miserable weather to deal with before traipsing back to sunny, warm Florida.

Today I'm staying home and working on Kyle's afghan.  It's the same one I took to Florida in October to finish off but never quite had the time down there to complete it.  Summer leisure time will allow me to finish it and also a few more...Tuesday afternoon Swedish weaving get-togethers with Faye and Donna start next week.

It's nice getting things in order here and starting back into a familiar routine.  This is my true leisure time because my life in Florida is much busier.  So far, I have the best of both worlds and each day is one I look forward to.

Thank you, Dennis.



Beth said...

I know you don't know me but I read in some of your posts from before that you welcome comments from new people.
I hope you don't mind but I have been reading all of your posts from the past because you remind me of my mom who I lost 2 years ago on 4-15-11. We were very close and I miss her so much. Your posts give me a strange comfort since many of your opinions and sayings remind me of her. Hope you don't mind.
Beth from Illinois

patsyrose said...

Hi Beth: Thanks so much for your nice comments. I started the blog so that my descendants would possibly be interested in my thoughts but it pleases me very much that others could be interested also.

Losing your mother will always be a sadness for you but that's what memories are help keep our loved ones with us. I hope you read the post about what I saw when my husband passed away. I'm not religious but now I believe even more that death is not the end for us.

Thanks again for leaving such a nice comment and I hope you continue to read my blogs and enjoy them...sometimes I rant too much about something that annoys me but that's just me.

Beth said...

Which post is about what you saw when your husband passed away?
I know that with both my grandmothers, they both saw something right before they died. My mom was with her mom and witnessed it all, and my dad was with his mom and it happened to her as well. I do have a strong faith in God so that's not the problem with me, it's just missing her so much and all the stuff that happened during the time she was dying with my brother and I not getting along anymore. Family is tough!

p.s. I am a ranter too so your rantings are fine with me! I love common sense and you got it, girl!

patsyrose said...

Hi Beth:

I wrote it on 6/23/06 and titled it "Life After Death". I hope you can find it and that it helps you.

My husband passed away on July 20, 2005 but I wasn't blogging then. I wanted to put to words what I experienced before the memory faded too much.

Beth said...

I found it and now I remember reading it. That was pretty amazing.
I heard someone say the other day that we will never know on earth the miracles God performs right before someone dies (i.e. - gives them peace, lets them see Him or a loved one, maybe even speaks to their heart in some way to let them know it is okay to go). That is something I believe but can't prove.
Thanks for writing about your experience.